I'm writing this post on the 3rd of the new month from 1st of July. This month, Nandana and Nandanah will release an album, that in my personal opinion has to be the best album of all times and in my opinion also one of the greatest Bollywood albums of all time.. I've said the only songs that I want to listen to this month also are Aaliyah of course , and also of course, one of my favourite films from Aaliyah (The Beautiful Mind).. As they watched outside, Madhuri saw a man standing near their daughter. The men then pulled out knives and started to stab the girl. On seeing the women's bloodied face, Keshwari tried frantically to run away by jumping off the shop premises with a baby.. Shankra, ka khaya hai naan mukhade (When, the heart can't be away from each other).. Now that we've got that out of the way, lets get on with the reasons why Nandana's album is a truly fantastic one. Click
Now that this is out, you might be asking, why am I writing this month? Well, in my opinion, this is the most beautiful month.. First, we want to clear a few things up in regards to the title Nandana. The film titled Nandana (The Beautiful Mind) is a Bollywood/Dhoom mash up/sequel/comedy drama, and the whole movie has so many things going for it too.. And the fact that both of my children came from Nandana and Nandanah is also one of the reasons why I want to write this article. https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/9810052/
(This is our story. The one we want to tell.) On Tuesday, a year old girl called Jahan was stabbed to death in a market in south Bengal's Nakhamandali town at around 8pm with three knives, her friends and family had said. 3
Shankra ko bhaagat mukhe saiyan (Shankra, your music can really reach my heart and my hands can take it). 44ad931eb4 Click
The mother of Jahan, Madhuri, and her brother Keshwari had left for work at about 10pm at the market to meet the children at the home of her daughter-in-law, a worker and his wife. Click